NAC is Celebrating Our 40th Anniversary!

It is hard to imagine where NAC would be when we began 40 years ago. In 1982, our founding members discovered 100 children living in New York City hospitals well beyond medical need. Many of these children were 5, 6, and 7 years old and living in the hospital since birth simply because their families could not care for them at home. NAC not only helped those children leave the hospital and go home for good, but we helped change the trajectory of their lives. Many of those same children have gone to college, and graduate school, have jobs, apartments of their own, and families. They are advocates for people with disabilities and contribute to society in ways they never thought possible.
Today, NAC is continuing to lead the way in innovative solutions for helping our city’s most vulnerable children. We are ensuring that children with significant medical and mental health needs always have a loving and nurturing family and home to call their own.
The support of our community has made an incredible impact on the lives of thousands of medically complex children. It has meant the difference between success and failure, and even between life and death. Our successes are your successes and we can’t thank you enough for being there for our kids.
As we look toward the next 40 years, we hope you’ll join us to celebrate everything that has been made possible, the incredible impact it has made on our kids, and the plans we have for the future.